Pre-Screening Self-Evaluation Tool

We invite you to use this tool as a starting point to determine if Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy is right for you:
Because Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy can be a costly investment, we have developed this Self-Evaluation Tool to assist you in determining whether it is beneficial to move forward with the Cathexis Psychedelics screening process.
Section 1: The following conditions are contraindicated for KAP services, and therefore we regretfully cannot safely administer KAP treatment should any of these conditions apply to you:
__ Are pregnant, think you might be pregnant, or are trying to become pregnant.
__Are currently breastfeeding.
__Struggle with, or have a history of psychosis or mania.
__Are diagnosed with Narcissistic Disorder or Schizophrenia.
__Have uncontrolled high blood pressure.
__Are allergic to ketamine.
__Have a serious heart condition.
__Have a history of elevated intraocular or intracranial pressure.
__Have a history of severe breathing problems.
__Have untreated/uncontrolled hyperthyroidism.
Section 2: The following medical conditions may be contraindicated for KAP services, and require a Medical Evaluation to determine if treatment is right for you:
__Controlled high blood pressure.
__Sleep Apnea or other respiratory issues.
__Currently using benzodiazepines or opioids benzodiazepines or opioids.
__Active substance use or significant history of substance use.
__Diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder or other Personality Disorders.
If you would like to move forward with the screening process, please call us at 520-200-7201 or email us through the
Contact Us page.
Should you move forward with the Medical Evaluation, you will be thoroughly screened for medical contraindications, and our Medical Director will make the final determination as to whether KAP treatment is safe for your care. Please be advised that the fees for the Medical Evaluation and the Psychotherapy Intake Evaluation are not refundable should it be determined that KAP is contraindicated for your care.